Monday, June 30, 2008

Lesson 8-1 Google AdSense Rules and Conditions

Google AdSense Rules and Conditions
Hi every one, at this post I will talk about the AdSense rules and conditions, and it is really important and serious to read them carefully , i simplified them as much as i can, and tried to talk generally about them that every one not that perfect English read them and understand anything .
Also it wold help who are tired from reading so long paragraphs.
At first i will talk about Google AdSense program Policies , also i divided this long post to two posts which are lesson 8-1 and 8-2 , and i hope you benefit anything form here ...
Google AdSense program Policies:
Publishers and editors in Google AdSense program are demanded to adapt the following policies, and I wish you to read these policies carefully and return to it always.
If you failed to observe these Policies, may be we breakdown the advertising service on your website or breakdown your AdSense account, and we would like in most cases to work with the publishers to achieve these policies, and we keep the right to breakdown any account in any time.
If your account got stopped, you cannot continue your sharing in Google AdSense program.
And please notice we may change our policies in any time, and because of our specified conditions, you are responsible for the continuation of our newest and latest policies and being bound by it.
The Not Valid Clicks and the appearance of not valid advertisements:
The clicks must be caused by the interest of the user, where it is banned to use any way to produce clicks or the artificial appearance of some Google advertisements, these ways including manual and repeated clicking, or advertisements appearance using Robot or clicks producing tools, or tools to show the advertisements and services by other side which produce clicks, pushing to click the advertisements, exchanging clicks or any other misleading programs.
Please notice: Clicking on the advertisements on your website is banned, and any failure with this policy breaks down your adsense account activity.
The Encouraged clicks:
To make sure of offering a good experience with users and publishers, publishers must not request the users to click the advertisements or following misleading ways to get clicks.
Publishers who are sharing in Google AdSense:
* must not encourage users to click on Google adsense advertisements or using sentences like
''Click on the advertisements''
''Help us by clicking the advertisement''
'' Visit that link'' . Or an other similar ways .
* Publishers must not attract the user to the advertisements by using arrows or other pictured tricks.
* They must not put tricking pictures beside the single advertisements.
* Publishers should not support websites which show advertisements via emails which are not needed or advertisements which are not desirable on other side websites.
* Publishers must not reward users for clicking or seeing the advertisements or making searching work or promising any reward to any other side for doing that.
* They must not put any misleading signs on Google advertising units or putting sentences like '' favorite websites '' .
Website Contents:
Google provide a very wide-range access to various group from the content of the searching archives, Publishers in Google adsense must put the advertisements on websites which observe Google specified guidance.
Advertisements must not be shown on pages are generally writing in non-supported language. See the supported language list.
Websites which show Google advertisements may NoT include:
* Content has Violence, Racial Fanaticism, or against a person a group or an organization.
* Content has porn pictures or porn writings.
* Content for hacking websites on the internet or breaking programming protection.
* Content has banned drugs or anesthetic and the usage way.
* Content has offenses and contempt.
* Content has gambling or involved to gambling clubs.
* Content has rewards to users who click on the advertisements and offers, or rewards for search making, browsing the pages or reading emails.
* Content has excessive and repeated main words which have no relationship with pages content or the related code.
* Content has tricks, play or intend to improve the search engine classification.
*contents for selling or spreading weapons and ammunition i.e. fire guns, knife ….etc
* Content for selling bear, alcohol, tobacco or drugs.
* Content for selling products as copies for original products.
*Content for spreading exams and home works.
* Content has illegal contents or encourages any illegal contents or profanes the others rights.
Subjects which enjoy rights keeping:
Publishers are not allowed to show Google advertisements on websites which are protected by editing and spreading laws, expect of having lawful rights to show that content.
You can return to make a revision of Google policies for editing rights DMCA and for adsense publishers and webmasters should see the guidance carefully in the link:
I guess that got so long :-)
ok then next time i will contineu writing the rest of condtions and rules
to be continued...

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